
Weekly commodity wrap-up

Water Wars Worsening Major rivers continue to run dry in Europe and our Western U.S. Now attention has suddenly turned to the Yangtze, China’s longest…

Weekly commodity wrap-up

Inflation Sinks on Lower Fuel and Clothing Costs Both the monthly consumer and producer (PPI) inflation gauges rose less than expected this week. The consumer…

Weekly commodity wrap-up

Ship full of corn leaves Ukraine  After weeks of negotiation, the first shipment of corn finally left the Odesa Port, passed inspection, and headed for…

Weekly commodity wrap-up

Wheat and gas swing with Ukraine blockades Both the wheat and natural gas markets were like a political football game. Prices exploded, then crashed then…

Weekly commodity wrap-up

U.S. boils, Europe bakes Last week began with reports of continued record temperatures in North America and much of Europe. Great Britain’s mercury topped 109…