Rising Stars 2023: Nate Harold

Nate Harold in detail

Age: 38.

Job title/occupation/place of employment: Vice president of clinical services, MedOne Pharmacy Benefit Solutions.

Volunteer activities: Founding member of the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Genesis Alumni Board; member of the Iowa Pharmacy Association House of Delegates; past member of Greater Dubuque Development Corp.’s Future Leadership Team; foster dog parent with Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois; adjunct faculty and preceptor with Drake University College of Pharmacy; adjunct faculty and preceptor with the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy; professional mentor of student pharmacists through the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy.

Education: Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima, Wash.; Torchbearers International, Capernwray, England; Moody Bible Institute, Chicago; St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa; Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa City.

Family: Spouse, Emily (Meyer) Harold; parents, Lahre and Sherry Harold; in-laws, Karen (Gilligan) and Merle Meyer; collies, Auto and EV.

Person most inspirational to me and why: My grandfather. When he passed away in 2015, I had the opportunity to reflect and share the life lessons he had imparted to me. He taught me that anything worth having in this life is worth working for. Don’t be a part of something that could hurt another person. It matters more that you are respectable than likable. There will always be someone better, stronger or faster than you. That is OK, but never let someone beat you because they outworked you. Lastly, always go for first place no matter how hard it seems. It’s always worth it in the end.

Favorite thing to do outside of work: I’d say work, but that would be a little “tongue in cheek.” Honestly, I enjoy a wide variety of activities from playing music to playing sports. I enjoy the company of friends and family. I like traveling, going to concerts and attending motorsport events.

But I think my favorite thing to do is try new things. I love new experiences and venturing into the unknown. I am that person who is up for anything simply for the sake of saying I know better because I have done it.

One word to describe me: Dedicated.

What’s one thing that most people would be surprised to know about you: People often say that I am smart — and eventually I did well in school — but as a child I was in remedial classes and couldn’t pronounce the letter “R” correctly in words. Bless those teachers because the remedial classes must have worked. Now I can say very complex names of medications incorrectly with absolute confidence.

Greatest fear: I worry that I will lose the ability to be of service to those around me, either because my level of ability has changed or because I became apathetic to the needs of others. And bees, I’m not a big fan of bees.

What’s the one thing you are most passionate about in your life: I gain an immense amount of fulfillment and satisfaction in helping others identify and achieve their potential. I am most in my element when I am encouraging others to strive for something better and helping determine how best to achieve it.

Nate Harold began his career at MedOne Pharmacy Benefit Solutions in 2014, when the company had only five employees.

Today, Harold is MedOne’s vice president of clinical services, and the company has more than 100 employees, many of them falling under Harold’s purview.

Wes Hartig, MedOne’s CEO, nominated Harold for Rising Stars.

“Nate has all-around leadership DNA,” Hartig said in his nomination. “It shows in how he carries himself both personally and professionally.”

Harold has a vested interest in helping his direct reports succeed.

“We do weekly one-on-one meetings so I can understand where they want to go professionally and how I can help them do that,” he said. “I never micromanage my team. I just make sure the work they’re doing is aligned with their interests. I want them to hit the ground running and go and build and create.”

Harold will often take walks with a colleague around Allison Henderson Park, which is across the street from MedOne’s offices.

“If I really want to connect with them and foster a meaningful relationship, that’s what we’ll do,” he said. “When you go on a walk with somebody, it’s a very different way of interacting.”

Hartig said Harold’s ability to connect with others has been a critical part of MedOne’s growth.

“Nate has been absolutely key to our success as a business,” he said. “He carries himself in a way that brings tremendous respect and inspires others. He always interacts with others with an approach of helping them grow and develop.”

Harold also mentors at least two pharmacology students per year from the University of Iowa and Drake University, and has served on the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation’s Future Leadership Team. He and his wife, a veterinarian, have fostered collies for several years. He also joined a group of Dubuquers who traveled to Tanzania last year as part of Sisters of St. Francis Sister Water Project.

“The sisters provide funding to Safe Water for Life and Dignity, a nonprofit in Tanzania that provides safe and clean water in areas where they don’t have access,” Harold said. “As a group, we funded construction of a well, and inspected 20 to 30 wells to make sure what had been built so far was in good working order.”

Harold said he is inspired by the amount of civic involvement, philanthropy and economic development happening in Dubuque.

“I’m a transplant to the area,” he said. “My hometown had a very different approach. People in Dubuque care about Dubuque, and that stood out to me when I first came here in 2006. I continue to be impressed that the people here have a desire to be involved in improving their community.”