Volv Fitness undergoes an evolution in Millwork District

Volv Fitness

Owner: Kimberly David

Address: 340 E. 12th St.

Phone: 563-207-4072

Services: Fitness classes and nutrition coaching

Kimberly David got involved in fitness more than a decade ago with a specific goal in mind.

“I wanted to make it a place that people knew whatever their limitations were … they could come here and achieve their goals,” said David, owner of Volv Fitness, 340 E. 12th St. in Dubuque.

David has owned Volv Fitness for 12 years, though it has gone through “a lot of iterations” since originally opening as The Gym under different ownership. At the time of the purchase, The Gym’s main offerings were general fitness, weightlifting and boxing.

After purchasing The Gym, David and her partners started investing in more equipment and expanded class options, which brought in more of a general fitness clientele and ultimately led to adding CrossFit classes.

In 2016, the gym moved across the street to its current 22,000-square-foot location.

“The new building was set up in a way that allowed us to separate it out into sections of it,” David said. “We picked a spot for our Focus and CrossFit programs, and then the general fitness area fell into place.”

Around that time, it introduced an unconventional training programming — built on the Onnit program.

“Anybody can start there at any level,” David said. “I think it had enough variety and it was new, that it brought in a whole new group of folks.”

Becoming Volv

After going through a handful of name changes since acquiring The Gym, David said they landed on Volv Fitness – the Latin version of “evolve.”

“We wanted it be about movement,” David said, “and we feel like the business has evolved and continues to evolve and when our members come in the door, they evolve. Whatever their personal goals are, they’re there to make a difference in their life.”

One of Volv’s strengths, according to David, is the ability of coaches and other staffers to get to know the members.

“I always say that we have a community, family oriented culture and that we all care about the outcomes of your health and wellness,” she said. “We can’t do it for you, but we’re there to support you. We have almost every fitness option under the sun for members and whatever it might take to help them meet their goal may be.”

‘Most positive hour of the day’

Cassie Hamer, a CrossFit Level 1 certified coach, has been with Volv since December 2019 and said she was drawn to the gym because of its positive and friendly environment.

“All the workers there are just so welcoming,” Hamer said.

Hamer, who teaches 10 classes, in addition to working with clients, said the variety of classes allows anyone to participate. She said when she started with Volv, she enjoyed coaching CrossFit and the Focus programs in addition to working with general members.

“CrossFit and Focus, that involves a little bit more technique and skill level and being able to help the clients break down the movements,” Hamer said. “And I would say they’re a little more intense than the general classes.”

In her time with Volv, Hamer said she has most enjoyed the friendliness among members and co-workers.

“I know for most people, coming to the gym is their best, their most positive, hour of the day, and I love getting to be a part of that and make that hour special and exciting for them,” Hamer said.

Community makes the gym

David said Volv’s team makes it stand out from other fitness options in the area.

“We are a business about people, and if we don’t support where they’re going, they’re not going to want to continue to come in,” David said.

Volv, according to David, is a valuable asset in the community for people focusing on health and fitness.

“As far as the Millwork District specifically, I think we brought an amenity that brings people into the district. I think we kind of complete that in terms of offerings for people that live and work down in the neighborhood.”

Throughout her decade-plus of gym ownership, David said, she has had a “tremendous number of people” helping her on her journey.

“Moving from corporate America to small business is a big change, at least it was for me,” she said. “I have been blessed with great mentors, wonderful support and people who truly believed in me. That, along with our team (both past and present) and all our members (past and present), is what has really been the driving force behind our business success.”

Volv has 27 employees – including full- and part-time coaches for CrossFit, unconventional training and general fitness classes – for its nearly 1,300 members.

In addition to CrossFit, personal training, and other group fitness classes, Volv offers certified nutritional coaching.

For more information, visit www.volvfitness.com/.