Do you have an interesting story idea or news tip to share about a local business? Ideas can be shared with reporter Konrad Strzalka at or 563-588-5673.
Biz Buzz shares business tidbits from across the tri-state area. In addition to this update from Dubuque, we will share other developments in Wednesday’s edition.
Four recent retirees have opened up a resale shop featuring a plethora of items.
Let It Go Treasures New 4 U, located in the lower level of 1745 John F. Kennedy Road, Suite C, is a joint project of Kris Clough, Joe Danner, Janet Farrey and Judy Meyer. It is not a consignment store. All items being sold belong to the group of four.
“It started out as, we were just trying to get rid of some stuff that we had,” Farrey said. “It’s nice stuff, you didn’t really want to give it away. … We decided we wanted to do something like this.”
Those who walk into the store, which opened about three months ago, will see anything from ornaments, lamps, figurines, shoes, jewelry, dresses, tools and Iowa Hawkeyes merch.
Farrey said the phrase “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure” does not quite apply to her store.
“Well, one man’s treasure is another new treasure for someone else — because it’s not junk,” she said.
Many of the items come with price tags under $10, but Clough said there are items for all different ages and price ranges.
Changes to the store’s selection are frequent, whether to reflect seasonal changes or simply because someone in the group found a new item to sell.
“Every day … I root through stuff and think, ‘Oh, that would be good,’” Danner said.
Upcoming additions will include an expanded tool area, courtesy of Danner, a retired plumber. He also said a garage door included in the store’s space would be open once the weather is warmer to encourage passersby to stop in.
Farrey said the store’s customers include young people with an interest in vintage items. However, Clough noted the store also has many newer items and items for children, like kneepads, books and dolls — some still in their packaging.
Let It Go Treasures New 4 U is open from noon to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Danner said these hours might expand in the summer.
More information is available at