Days of Caring

Kaithlin Duncan, an employee at HTLF, rakes leaves. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY

Tim Gosche, an employee at HTLF, spreads mulch. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY, Telegraph Herald

Brandon Lynch (left) and Sara Waldron, employees of Dubuque Bank & Trust. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY, Telegraph Herald

Brandon Lynch (left) and Sara Waldron, employees of Dubuque Bank & Trust, clear debris. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY

Amanda Mosby, an employee at HTLF, clears debris. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY

Jeremy Funston (from left), Justin Sauser, and Joe Cannavo, all employees of HTLF, and Keith McGinnis, an employee of Dubuque Bank & Trust, fill wheelbarrows with mulch at Four Mounds in Dubuque on May 29 as part of Dubuque Days of Caring. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY, Telegraph Herald

Kaithlin Duncan, an employee at HTLF, rakes leaves. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY

Tim Gosche, an employee at HTLF, spreads mulch. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY, Telegraph Herald

Brandon Lynch (left) and Sara Waldron, employees of Dubuque Bank & Trust. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY, Telegraph Herald

Brandon Lynch (left) and Sara Waldron, employees of Dubuque Bank & Trust, clear debris. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY

Amanda Mosby, an employee at HTLF, clears debris. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY

Jeremy Funston (from left), Justin Sauser, and Joe Cannavo, all employees of HTLF, and Keith McGinnis, an employee of Dubuque Bank & Trust, fill wheelbarrows with mulch at Four Mounds in Dubuque on May 29 as part of Dubuque Days of Caring. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY, Telegraph Herald

Kaithlin Duncan, an employee at HTLF, rakes leaves. PHOTO CREDIT: JESSICA REILLY
Posted By: biztimes June 9, 2022